Subject Re: [IBO] example of using TIB_FTS_Search, I simply can not get this to work
Author Adrian Wreyford
Hi, Jason

I know you are at it!

I will wait patiently, and hope that you get our D2009 version out soon.
I ONLY use IBO, so I as many others depend heavily on one product!

So, I can understand everybodies frustration.
But by upsetting you, no body is helping getting us all going.

How about some of these TRUSTWARE users going a bit further .. yes its a challenge to you moaning guys.

Jason doesn't need your money .. he has another supply that most of you wont understand, but IBO does, so please help out here folks!


Adrian Wreyford

----- Original Message -----
From: Jason Wharton
Sent: Saturday, May 23, 2009 11:10 PM
Subject: Re: [IBO] example of using TIB_FTS_Search, I simply can not get this to work


> I'm really surprised your trying to butt heads with me after trying to
> help
> you since the beginning, So did Martyn Tonies till of late and many that
> gave up :) I'm well aware you erase my acknowledgement and others of
> contributions each new release.

Erase acknowledgments? Please tell me what you mean?

Acknowledgments are supposed to be put in the source header and I have never
removed anything from that section, ever. As for the code itself I will
remove things that are, as far as I can tell, merely put there to draw my
attention to alterations so they are all implemented when I am doing a
merge. I frequently move comments out of the source and create
acknowledgments in the proper area if the contributor neglects to do so. I
always encourage people to put their remarks and credits there because that
is where they belong and I want all to receive the credit they deserve. If
they are not put there then they are subject to my stringent policy of
keeping the code itself very clean. Does this policy sound unreasonable to

> Its OK but the show must go on and many folks maybe
> have unfortunately put their eggs in yur basket

The statements I made suggesting the FTS of IBO would be faster was not
intended to butt-heads. There are some features that cannot be duplicated in
any other way than how I have implemented them. IBO keeps specialized word
tables and statistics for each word so that then the SELECT statement is
applied to the word tables it puts it together in a way that assures the
fastest performance on the search possible. In short, I have optimizations
that I am not aware of any other full text searching product making use of.

Thus, I am stating claims based on solid factual reasoning, not emotional
smoth talk simply for the sake of butting heads. If you would like to have
more of the factual reasoning presented ask in a way that demonstrates you
are prepared to appreciate the knowledge.

> Total Firebird engine solutions work on any platform :)

I am well aware that there are other reasons, such as this, that rule out
what I have offered. It does have its limitations of scope and application.
I am always eager to recommend other products than mine that are a better
all-around fit for someone's task at hand.

IBO FTS works just fine with Kylix since it is not user interface related.
So, covering Windows and Linux is pretty good coverage. It would be very
easy to implement IBO FTS in a middle tier as well.

This is what I see happening: People are frustrated and upset with me
because due to all the hardships I am facing I am not meeting their
expectations. I understand that and I too am sorely grieved because this. I
wish my circumstances were more favorable. Fortunately, they are looking up
more every day in terms of how much time I will have to dedicate to IBO.

I am having to readjust the entire lifestyle of my family to be able to live
on just what the IBO sales will bring in which is not a lot of money for a
family to live on. This means I have no more salary of nearly $100,000 year
all together. That's a very big adjustment to make in the crumbling economy.

We are adjusting from living in a 5,200 sf home on 100 acres with a large
shop to living in a small trailer that costs $350 per month to rent and I am
selling and getting rid of most of our stuff.

Why am I doing this? So that I won't have to replace my full-time job and so
that I can solely work on IBO. But, I need some time to work through all of
the hardships of these adjustments. The last thing I need, while I am making
these kinds of difficult adjustments and sacrifices for IBO, is for people
treat me like I could care less about IBO. I'm putting my family through
hell and severly downgrading our lifestyle so I can hang in there for IBO.

I understand if you want to give up and choose a new product to work with.
But, in going please understand all that you have done over the years is,
was and always will be greatly appreciated. It's because of people helping
like you have that makes me, and also my wife, willing to make the kind of
sacrifices we are so that we can continue to give IBO life. And, in going,
please don't be bitter and lash back before you understand the reality of
what you are lashing back at. Your tone and comments, as well as Martijn's
tone an comments, hurt me deeply, but I will press on in spite of them.

I had a fair number of people congratulate and support me for standing up
for myself to Martijn. I probably could have been more tactful but sometimes
people just cut too deep and merit a response such as I gave. I Martijn and
others will forgive, but I don't expect anyone to until I finish getting my
situation smoothened out and am moving full speed ahead with IBO.

Also, if you look out there, there are many 3rd party products having as
much or more struggle as I am with Delphi 2009. I have a working beta. I
deserve some credit here because that's more than many other 3rd party
vendors have.

Jason Wharton

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jason Wharton" <supportlist@...>
> To: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 6:48 PM
> Subject: Re: [IBO] example of using TIB_FTS_Search, I simply can not get
> this to work
>> It's not likely the performance of your full text searching will come
>> closeto what the IBO full text searching makes possible.
>> Hang in there and ask specific questions and I am sure we can get you up
>> and
>> running without too much trouble.
>> It's very hard to respond to 'It don't work' statements.
>> You now have the on-line help and our ear so please be specific and lets
>> get
>> you going.
>> Regards,
>> Jason Wharton
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Hans" <hhoogstraat@...>
>> To: <>
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 10:06 AM
>> Subject: Re: [IBO] example of using TIB_FTS_Search, I simply can not get
>> this to work
>>> First version made was for FB1.x+, been in production ever since.
>>> Most of the work is done on the clients application.
>>> This FB2.1+ version I sent you, all the work is done by the
>>> server. Simplifies it a lot and the serialization helps.
>>> It is rather simple to split up the triggers into indivudual
>>> 'Insert ', 'Update' and 'Delete' triggers and expand the
>>> 'Update or Insert ... returning into :variable' statements
>>> to 1.5 level.
>>> Only I don't remember if 1.5 allows read operations on
>>> a text blob.
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "robert.gilland" <robert.gilland@...>
>>> To: <>
>>> Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 1:03 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [IBO] example of using TIB_FTS_Search, I simply can not get
>>> this to work
>>>> Thanks HANS
>>>> for you example I will look at it closely.
>>>> A lot of our customers are still using Firebird 1.5 so it would need to
>>>> work there.
>>>> Kind Regards,
>>>> Robert.
>> ------------------------------------
>> __________________________________________________________
>> IB Objects - direct, complete, custom connectivity to Firebird or
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> ------------------------------------
> __________________________________________________________
> IB Objects - direct, complete, custom connectivity to Firebird or
> InterBase
> without the need for BDE, ODBC or any other layer.
> __________________________________________________________
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