Subject Re: [IBO] Events and freeze..
Author Thomas Steinmaurer
Hi John,

> Delphi 7, IBO 4.6A, FB 1.5.
> My application wants to be informed of changes in a database.
> If possible, I use a TIB_Events for this.
> Sometimes it is not possible to use events, due to firewalls, using
> superserver behind a NAT_router, or whatever. No problem, I can poll for
> changes.
> I would like the application to automattically try to use events and if
> not possible, use polling.
> But... if I call TIB_Events.RegisterEvents on a connection where no
> secondary connection can be opened, following things happen:
> 1. After a delay of about 20 sec an error pops up saying that its
> impossible to create a secondary connection for events. OK.
> 2. I cannot confirm (click on OK) the error. The app is frozen. Need
> taskmanager to kill it.
> If I catch the error in a try except, same thing happens. Freeze.
> I usually put the call to RegisterEvents in the
> IB_Connection.AfterConnect. If I try to registerEvents on a buttonclick,
> same thing happens.
> Any thoughts?

There has been quite some improvements and bug fixes in the Firebird
engine since 1.5 concerning events. You will find quite some entries in
the Firebird tracker.

I'm not entirely sure if upgrading to 2.0 or 2.1 would entirely solve
the problem for your situation. Also you are using an IBO version which
isn't compatible with Firebird 2.x. Upgrading would be quite a route for
you, because:

* Test your application with a newer IBO version with 1.5 first
* Upgrade to Firebird 2.x
* Test your application with the newest IBO version and Firebird 2.x

but doable.

Best Regards,
Thomas Steinmaurer
LogManager Series - Logging/Auditing Suites supporting
InterBase, Firebird, Advantage Database, MS SQL Server and
NexusDB V2
Upscene Productions
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