Subject Re: [IBO] Problem with CreateDatabase
Author Karl
Friday, November 6, 2009, 12:07:39 AM, Helen Borrie wrote:

>> ...
>>[5888] ISC ERROR CODE:335544375
>>[5888] unavailable database

> It looks as though you are running Classic. You can check that by
> inspecting the properties of the service to find out the executable
> name. "fbserver.exe" is Superserver, "fb_inet_server.exe" is Classic.

> If it is Classic, then your problem is that you can't use cpLocal
> protocol. Use cpTcpip and make it:
> #define DATABASEDIR "localhost:C:\\_E\\AADBTest\\DatabaseDir"

Thank you.
In fact, changing to cpTCP_IP worked, even without prefixing the
DATABASEDIR with "localhost:".
However, fbserver.exe was running, not fb_inet_server.exe .

Best wishes