Subject RE: [IBO] Firebird 2.1.2 RC1: Connection problem
Author Luc Vigato, Sita Software
>From: [] On
Behalf Of Helen Borrie
>Sent: jeudi 22 janvier 2009 12:16
>Subject: Re: [IBO] Firebird 2.1.2 RC1: Connection problem
>At 09:37 PM 22/01/2009, you wrote:
>>I'm in testing for our software Firebird 2.1.2 RC1.
>>When I connect to the database with a user other then SYSDBA I receive the
>>following error.
>>ICS ERROR CODE: 335544788
>>Unable to perform operation. You must be either SYSDBA or owner of the
>>A connection in IBExpert will work correctly.
>>It's an IBO issue? I using IBO 4.8.7
>I haven't observed it. IBO reports the exceptions returned to it in the
Error Status array. This particular error occurs when you try to do an
operation that requires SYSDBA/Owner privileges, viz., gbak, >most functions
of gfix, including shutdown.
>Best you do a trace on what's happening in the API when this exception is
returned. Also eliminate the possibility that you are activating Trusted
User authentication by somehow omitting the login >>>>credentials.

The error occures in method TIB_Connection.API_Connect. While attaching the
errCode := isc_attach_database( @Status,
PChar( FConnectedDatabase ),
@buffer );
errCode is never 0

I cannot explain me why I can connect with IBExpert to the database. I do a
simple connect and nothing other.

Luc Vigato