Subject Re: [IBO] Why IBO limits exception text length to 255 chars?
Author Hans
By default IBO treats strings with a length of up to 255 chars as a ftString
and anything longer as a ftMemo. (See source of IB_Session). I wonder
if the limitation here is still a residue from before the introduction of
global variable 'MaximumStringSize'

----- Original Message -----
From: "Carlos H. Cantu" <listas@...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 7:43 AM
Subject: [IBO] Why IBO limits exception text length to 255 chars?

> Many times, I get truncated (cut) exception messages with IBO. This is
> terrible to debug errors happening in "outside" customers, since the
> reported error message will not contain the full information about the
> error.
> Doing some debug, I found the following code in IBODataset unit:
> constructor EIBO_ISCError.CreateISC( Sender: TObject;
> MessageText: string;
> AERRCODE: longint;
> AErrorMessage: TStringList;
> AErrorCodes: TStringList;
> ASQLCODE: longint;
> ASQLMessage: TStringList;
> ASQL: TStringList );
> var
> tmpTxt: string;
> begin
> tmpTxt := MessageText;
> if Length( tmpTxt ) > 255 then <================= WHY???
> SetLength( tmpTxt, 255 );
> inherited Create( tmpTxt );
> FSender := Sender;
> FErrorMessage := TStringList.Create;
> FErrorCodes := TStringList.Create;
> FSQLMessage := TStringList.Create;
> FSQL := TStringList.Create;
> FErrorMessage.Assign( AErrorMessage );
> FErrorCodes.Assign( AErrorCodes );
> FsqlMessage.Assign( AsqlMessage );
> Fsql.Assign( Asql );
> end;
> Question is: Why IBO restrict the message length to 255 chars? I
> commented that IF and the full messages were show, so I guess there is
> no problem in raising exceptions with big messages.
> Can anyone explain this?
> []s
> Cantu
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