Subject Re: [IBO] backupService
Author Robert martin

Already tried that. No go.

Thomas Steinmaurer wrote:
> Hi Rob,
>> I am trying to use the TIBOBackupService. I have copied code from
>> another app that uses it successfully but am getting the following error.
>> 'Interbase library gds32.dll not found in the path. Please install
>> Interbase to use this functionality'.
>> The problem is that the other app that uses (what appears to be)
>> Identical code works fine on this machine. The error occurs trying to
>> set Active to true.
>> The code follows. (the component has all defaults except setting the
>> protocol to TCp/IP
>> with IBOBackupService do begin
>> ServerName := 'XI';
>> LoginPrompt := False;
>> Params.Add('user_name=SYSDBA');
>> Params.Add('password=masterkey');
>> try
>> Active := True;
>> except
>> on e : exception do begin
>> MessageDlg('Could not activate backup, the following
>> error occured..' + #13#13 + e.Message, mtInformation, [mbOk], 0);
>> Continue := False;
>> end;
>> end;
>> ... more code follows inc setting backup and source database.
>> Any suggestions ?
> For a quick test, what happens, when you first connect to the database
> with e.g. a TIB_Connection component and then execute the code?
> AFAIK, the IBOAdmin components have a weird IF condition somewhere where
> it checks if the client library has been loaded. It for sure gets loaded
> when being connected to the database.