Subject RE: [IBO] Why doesnt this statement work?
Author Dmitriy A. Beloshistov

If New_PriceA is parameter - use following statement.

Update Products Set PriceA=?New_PriceA Where ?New_PriceA>0

In another case "Column unknown" error will be produced (what is true)
if in table Products field New_PriceA not present.

WBR,Dmitry Beloshistov AKA [-=BDS=-]
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Gordon Hamm
Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2008 12:42 AM
Subject: [IBO] Why doesnt this statement work?


Is there any reason that this statement might have worked fine in
Firebird 1.5 and Not in 2.0 ??

Update Products Set PriceA=New_PriceA Where New_PriceA > 0

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