Subject RE: [IBO] Delphi 2007 install problem
Author Jason Wharton
Not sure but it sounds like you have other versions on your drive that it is
competing with.

Try a disk-wide scan and see what comes up that could be conflicting.


> -----Original Message-----
> To:
> Subject: [IBO] Delphi 2007 install problem
> Hi
> I have just tried installing IBObjects on to a laptop. However I am
> getting a whole lot of errors...
> F2051 Unit IB_Process was compiled with a different version of
> IB_Components.TIB_Component
> F2051 Unit IB_StoredProc was compiled with a defiferent version of
> IB_Components.TIB_Dataset
> etc
> (about 10 different versions of the above error). I used the
> automated
> installer. I have copied our component library over to the laptop
> (which was a slightly older version). Then ran the installer
> and choose
> the existing directory to install into. Now I get the above
> errors. On
> my desktop PC I followed the same process (without having to copy the
> components (thats where they came from) and it worked a charm.
> Any suggestions?
> --
> Rob Martin
> Software Engineer