Subject Re: [IBO] not post transactions until requested
Author eddressel
Thank you for your response.

> You can fix your immediate problem (and others) by using an
> explicit TIBOTransaction *instead* of the default transaction.
> Create the transaction with the proper attributes for the
> control you want to exercise, and assign it to the the
> DefaultTransaction property of your IBODatabase *from the outset*.
> You want Autocommit to be False; you want to use StartTransaction
> before you execute your DML statements and call Commit only when
> your Commit button is clicked.

the TIBODatabase won't allow me to replace the DefaultTransaction, but
I can set it's properties. Seems to be working fine--exacly what I

> Always think out the workflow *at task level* and wrap each task in
> its own distinct start...commit package. If you're not used to
> checking the state of a transaction at the outset of a task, then
> your time has now come. ;-)

I am aware of transactions and use them explicitly in my server based
application. In my desktop app, I extensively use bound controls,
which seems to bend the rules a bit.

Thank you,

Ed Dressel