Subject [IBO] Re: ClientSql vs ServerSql
Author tomjanczkadao
> More complex changes to the statement will occur if you are using
the OrderingLinks and OrderingItems mechanisms, i.e., there will be an
ORDER BY clause in the Serversql that is not in the Clientsql.
Similarly so if your app is using other methods that alter the
statement in run-time, such as SQLWhereItems.
> These are just some examples of where the parser might change the
SQL. There are other run-time things that can result in changed
SQL...You can watch what is going on by using a TIB_Monitor.
> I hope this is more helpful this time. :-|
> Helen

Actually i did some tests and both ClientSQL and ServerSQL contain
chanegs made by parser to the query.
i've applied OrderingLinks and Filter to pure query e.g.
'select field from table'
and ClientSQL was 'select field from table where ... order by ...'

Regards, Tomek