Subject Re: [IBO] Performance Issues
Author Frank
Honestly I have to admit that transaction management was something
I never really took much care of, I use just one single TIB_DATABASE
component and set it to default transaction that's it.

Actually the server is up and running since ages, shutdown maybe once
a year or so.
The users PC's are forceably shut down every evening, most users
start the app. at least twice a day (morning and lunch).

Any hints on how to implement a good transaction management ?

--- In, Svein Erling Tysvær
<svein.erling.tysvaer@...> wrote:
> I'm not actually answering any of your questions, Frank, but
reading your description of how things are done made me think about
transaction management. What's the statistics of this database, in
particular oldest and next transaction, and do you do a fair amount
of insert/update/delete?
> Generally, a large gap between oldest active/interesting
transaction and next transaction forces Firebird to look through old
version of records and that is a typical source of slowdown. If all
users exit every evening and your application typically is responsive
before lunch but sluggish after, this would be the likely reason. If
the application is slow all the time, well, do you actually know that
everybody closes the program every night and don't just leave it
running? If you do stop and restart your Firebird server and the
performance is still sluggish immediately after the restart, then
your transaction management isn't the cause, but if not and the
statistics reveals a large gap and a restart of the server improves
the performance significantly, then this is the likely cause of poor
> HTH,
> Set
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
On Behalf Of Frank
> Sent: 26. oktober 2008 06:25
> To:
> Subject: [IBO] Performance Issues
> Hi there,
> I'm working with IBO 4.8.7 and older versions since quite a while on
> a large project including many forms and dozens of IB_Queries.
> As most of the performance eating tasks are done on the server by
> stored procedures most of the queries are plain and simple selects
> without any potentialy slowing down joins etc. - those queries are
> mostly used to display informations on grids.
> As the database is growing and growing I have to cope with various
> performance issues.
> Three of them bother me especially:
> 1. Starting the application
> As most users tend to start the app. in the morning and let it run
> all day I decided to load all forms and open all queries in one
> which is done like that:
> for i := 0 to ComponentCount -1 do
> begin
> if Components[i] is TIB_Query then
> begin
> with Components[i] as TIB_Query do
> begin
> if not Active then
> begin
> Prepare;
> Open;
> end;
> end;
> end;
> end;
> Having tables with several 100MB in total it takes actualy approx.
> 2-3 minutes just to open and prepare them.
> Is there a better (faster) way to do this ?
> 2. Turning Master/Detail Relations ON/OFF
> I try to avoid to use multiple TIB_Queries for tables which have to
> be displayed with and without master/detail data as well by turning
> on/off the mastersource which I realized like that:
> Turn of the relation:
> iqProdWax.Active := False ;
> iqProdWax.MasterSource := NIL ;
> iqProdWax.MasterLinks.Text := '' ;
> iqProdWax.Active := True ;
> Turn on the relation:
> iqProdWax.Active := False ;
> iqProdWax.MasterSource := dsProdCast ;
> iqProdWax.MasterLinks.Text := 'PROD_CAST_PARTS.AUTO_ID_
> iqProdWax.Active := True ;
> There should be an easy way to temporarly disable the relation
> without having to re-open the datasource as it just takes to much
> time to open them (see topic 1)
> Is there a better (faster) way to turn on/off the master/detail
> relation ?
> 3. Fetching Query on Incremental search
> Using the incremental search (even on indexed fields) on tables with
> thousands of records causes IBO to constantly fetch records from the
> server even when jumping only a few records further.
> Setting SearchKeyByKey to false helps a bit but using the locate
> function is much faster.
> Any ideas if there is a way to offer the user a fast and convinient
> search interface?