Subject Re: [IBO] What's the status of the xlSQL components?
Author Ramil
Hello Svein,

> 1) If a field contains one or more line shifts, the line in
> Excel often gets a lot higher (e.g. one line shift may make the
> record appear as if there were five line shifts.

I think you describe standard behaviour of Excel. Try to set
manually a cell value with line shift e.g.:
="XLSQL Reports components" & Chr(10) & "for IB Objects".
Do not forget about wordwrap.

> 2) If I name a range and want a border around this range,
> then the bottom border disappear when xlSQL fills this range.

And it also standard behaviour of Excel. Try to remove bottom row
of the range manually. I recommend to define the top border for Row
located lower. In this case border remains after deleting bottom row.
I agree, it is less convenient. In the next version I will try to
offer automatic preservation of the bottom border.

> 3) The nag screen at startup is in general not readable
> (there are a few readable words, but mostly the screen is filled
> with accented characters - is the nag screen originally written in
> Cyrillic or some character set that is very different from English?)

It is a bug of my install script. I'll upload new version ASAP.

> 4) I fail when I try to have visible lines on every two or
> three rows. This is likely due to me being too demanding or not
> understanding how to do this with xlSQL ;o)

XLSQL Reports formats an added part of range by sample of only one
line (penultimate). Autofilling of values - on the sample of the two
first lines. One of the most simple ways - to define knowingly big
ranges if you know limit of records count. You manually set range
formatting (colours, fonts, borders, etc.), xlSQL will only remove an
unnecessary part of range.
The second way - to use conditional formatting, see example
The third - to call Excel macro for the most non-standard formatting.

I'm looking forward when Jason will be defined with next version of
IBO and resolve pricing and bundling of XLSQL Reports. A lot of time
has passed in expectation of the next version of IBO. I am not loafing
around while waiting for Jason. XLSQL Reports was considerably
- Multi-sheet and multi-books reports
- some reserved variables added
- common table expressions support (FireBird 2.1)
and many other features.

Also in the near future I will present the XLSQL Reports Scheduler.
It is really good, usable, standalone tool. It will help to automate
reports creation on the schedule and e-mail delivery. One of features
- check of conditions using SQL-queries to database. I had implemented
e-mail delivery by dynamically defined (SQL-query) mailing list.
I use this scheduler much. I hope it will be useful to someone else.

Thank you.
Best regards,
Ramil khabibr@...

Friday, January 25, 2008, 9:30:36 PM, you wrote:
> I tried to find these components on to see if
> they were part of a bundle or sold separately, but failed. The only
> thing I can find is the XLSQL Reports version 1.3.2 RC1 Evaluate for
> IB Objects on yahoogroups. So what is the status of xlSQL for IBO?
> I love these components, they make it a lot easier to transfer
> things from TIB_Grid to Excel (two components, four or five
> properties - one of them resembling a SQL select statement or
> script, an existing Excel file with named ranges, a TButton and two
> lines of code and that's it). Though there are still a few minor niggles remaining:
> 1) If a field contains one or more line shifts, the line in
> Excel often gets a lot higher (e.g. one line shift may make the
> record appear as if there were five line shifts.
> 2) If I name a range and want a border around this range,
> then the bottom border disappear when xlSQL fills this range.
> 3) The nag screen at startup is in general not readable
> (there are a few readable words, but mostly the screen is filled
> with accented characters - is the nag screen originally written in
> Cyrillic or some character set that is very different from English?)
> 4) I fail when I try to have visible lines on every two or
> three rows. This is likely due to me being too demanding or not
> understanding how to do this with xlSQL ;o)
> Set