Subject Re: Jason's private email
Author prom_prometheus
Hi Jason,
you find the phps in this newsgroup filelist also, with name:


--- In, "Jason Wharton" <supportlist@...> wrote:
> I would like to announce a new email address for people to use to
> communicate with me privately. My regular published address is
> more spam than my system can handle. My spam filter eliminates most
of it,
> and I don't even check that as I used to, and what my spam filter
> catch still is more than I can process.
> So, instead of using jwharton@... please substitute the jwharton
> with my first name jason and that will get to me more readily.
> At some point I would like to go to a system where correspondence
with me is
> done on the community website. I have been working on some much needed
> improvements to it.
> Please send any requests you have sent to me in the past that I have not
> responded to.
> Sorry for any inconvenience this change of address causes and my
> to handle so much spam.
> Jason Wharton