Subject Re: [IBO] TBlobField in IBOQuery with CachedUpdates=True
Author earnesttse
--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@...> wrote:
> At 04:00 PM 27/09/2007, you wrote:
> // at this point, if your frmUnitCost code has not called Insert or
> Edit for quPOItem then the State of the dataset is dsBrowse.....

It is because that the datasource's AutoEdit is set to true.

I tried to set quPoItem to dsEdit before show this form, but there is
no help.

> >then
> >dmGOS.quPoItem.Post;
> // and if the state is dsBrowse, the DBMemo will not update the
> > end;
> > end;
> >end;
> Maybe you need to give more information about your Blob editing

Sorry, Helen. There are a DBMemo and two BitBtn in the form only.

At this moment, I am using transaction to replace CachedUpdates. It
looks working fine.

Thanks again!
