Subject Re: [IBO] Last() Method
Author Pia Enevoldsen
Sorry to disturb all of you.
Have managed with a simple edit and I just put back the value from
dataset before locate().

--- In, "Pia Enevoldsen" <Pia@...> wrote:
> Hello Helen.
> I'm quite new in this IBO- and Delphiworld so please tell me if I'm
> asking in a wrong forum.
> We are using Delphi 6.0, IBO 4.7 and Firebird 1.5
> We have some Product cards data which I show in a Delphi
> 1 card at a time from a TIB_query.
> The user wants to be able to locate a specific No by entering the
> number in the field and hit Enter.
> I made an auto Searching to make the TIB_Edit open for entering the
> numbers. But as you know this only find the specified card and they
> have to make a new search on all to be able to scroll in all cards
> The user want a feature as they have in some other Delphi
> based on Paradox, where locate() is used.
> Then I saw your comment about IBO in this mail:
> <Particularly, it improves Locate() for those who believe they can't
> without it and it does some useful tricks with scrolling.>
> This give me a hope for using an IBOcomponent for finding specific
> cards and stay in the dataset, instead of copying the ideas from older
> applications . Which component / parameter do I have to use?
> My chalenge for using Card.locate() will be my Field is part of an
> key and not all users are allowed to update this No.
> In our older application I can see they use a TCombobox.
> I hope I made myself a little more clear than in my last issue.
> Thanks for many valuable inputs
> Pia
> --- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@> wrote:
> >
> > At 08:25 PM 2/09/2007, you wrote:
> > >Some days ago, I downloaded the IBObjects components for
> > >
> > >I have one problem with Interbase/Firebird databases and I want
> > >know if it is possible to solve it with IBObjects.
> > >
> > >I'm working with a remote connection to databases and I have a
> table
> > >with lots of records, when I use the Last()method to go to the last
> > >record in table (I'm in a grid) I have to wait lots of time.
> > >
> > > How Can I speed up this situation?
> >
> > Don't use table components (or unlimited queries) for a
> > database. Use a query with a WHERE clause to limit the rows to
> > the ones that the user needs. And avoid (or minimise use of)
> > workflows that have to step through large datasets in a loop.
> >
> > > The table has a primary key and I tried to create a second
> > >that is the same that primary key but in reverse order (with desc),
> > >but the speed is the same.
> >
> > That won't hurt but it won't help, either. The client side doesn't
> > use indexes in the ways that the VCL enables for local or file-served
> > databases like Paradox and Access, where indexes are physical
> objects
> > that can be navigated. A descending index can be helpful for
> > descending-order queries, greater-than searches and high-end
> > aggregations but don't create them unless you actually have a use
> them.
> >
> > The slow part is in your application having to drag all of the
> > records across the interface. With a Last() call, the dataset has to
> > keep dragging records until the server's buffer is empty. There is
> > no way to make this fast enough across a network to make sense
> with
> > whole-table sets on large tables. It belongs to desktop databases,
> > where a "table set" is a local physical file. In client/server,
> > every search involves round trips between the client application and
> > databases on remote machines. You need to work zealously on
> > designing datasets and operations that use client/server features
> > efficiently. You could pick up the TechInfo sheet "Moving to
> > Client/Server" from
> >
> > That said, a lot of work has been done in IBO over the years to
> > refine implementation of those desktop-style navigation methods on
> > bi-directional Fb/IB datasets. Particularly, it improves Locate()
> > for those who believe they can't live without it and it does some
> > useful tricks with scrolling. But designing interfaces that scroll
> > to the end of huge datasets, or depend on a grid interface for
> > accessing such datasets, is for desktop databases and
> > spreadsheets. It is not a sensible thing to do in client/server if
> > good performance is important.
> >
> > Helen
> >