Subject [IBO] Re: Urgent! Invalid Type Cast
Author jfgreco915
I don't have much information to give thats the problem.

I am trying to install a design time package which contains 2 pas
files to register the components and properties.

When I build it, D2007 throws this:

[DCC Error] IB_Utils.pas(1455): E2089 Invalid typecast
[DCC Error] IB_Utils.pas(1591): E2089 Invalid typecast
[DCC Error] IB_Session.pas(824): F2063 Could not compile used unit

I don't specifically call IB_Session any where.

--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@...> wrote:
> At 12:45 AM 13/09/2007, you wrote:
> >VCL components.
> >
> >We do not make calls to either of the functions where the typecast
> >issue is coming from. Our components might have some underlying
> >queries in them thus there might be some references to IBODataset in
> >the uses.
> >
> >Other than that we don't know why it would be getting this error so
> >deep into the depths of IBO.
> These are both calls related to the ISC_INT64 type so these might be
> illegal integer or BCD casts. Considering the Subject of your
> thread, you're not very forthcoming with information....
> Helen