Subject RE: [IBO] is there bug on terminator?
Author Helen Borrie
At 08:31 AM 23/08/2007, you wrote:
> > Hi there!
> >
> > // ------------ Scenario:
> >
> > Delphi 7
> > FirebirdSQL 1.5.4
> > IBObjects 4.8.6
> > IB_SQL 4.7.Beta 15 (for testing purposes)
> >
> > // ------------ In a trigger like this:
> >
> > SET TERM !! ;
> > END!!
> > SET TERM ; !!
> >
> > // ------------ I got the following message:
> >
> > Token Unknown - line 4, char 4
> >
> > // ------------ Adding a space between END and !! it works:
> >
> > ...
> >
> > END !!
> > SET TERM ; !!
> >
> > // ---------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > Am I missing something?
>The way you declared your terminator put a space after it:
>SET TERM !! ;

I disagree with this as a principle. If terminators are going to be
allowed, they should behave as they do in ISQL.
In ISQL a terminator can be any sequence of characters (including
embedded blanks) and leading and trailing blanks are ignored:

c:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_1_5\bin>isql
Use CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE to specify a database
SQL> set term ^^;
SQL> show sql dialect^^
Client SQL dialect has not been set and no database has been connected yet.
SQL> set term ;;;^^
SQL> show sql dialect;;;
Client SQL dialect has not been set and no database has been connected yet.
SQL> set term ;;;;
SQL> show sql dialect;
Client SQL dialect has not been set and no database has been connected yet.
SQL> set term^;
Command error: set term^
SQL> set term ^ ;
SQL> show sql dialect^
Client SQL dialect has not been set and no database has been connected yet.
SQL> set term @ @^
SQL> show sql dialect@ @
Command error: show sql dialect@
SQL> show sql dialect @ @
Client SQL dialect has not been set and no database has been connected yet.

According to ISQL rules, the reason why the bad token error occurred
was because there was NO space between the keyword END and the terminator.

>For it to do what you want or expect you should do this:
> > SET TERM !!;

>The question here is do you think I should trim the whitespace.
>I don't think this was intentional and trimming the whitespace would
>probably be a good idea.
>What do others think?

It is an inconsistency in ISQL (the only environment where terminator
switching is actually *valid*) that you are allowed to have zero
white space between a syntax element when the terminator is a
semi-colon but not when it is anything else. I think (STRONGLY!!)
that, if you are going to change the terminator-handling behaviour,
you should aim to make it consistent with ISQL, including ISQL's own
inconsistency, so that it will be possible to use an isql-created
script as the input to an ib_script and vice versa.

It would be interesting for Antonio to tell us exactly where he
bumped into this problem:
-- If it was in executing an ib_script then there is a case for
fixing the script parser to get it into line with isql.
-- If it was in the DSQL tab of IB_SQL (as it appears from his
original posting) then the mistake was in attempting to use
terminator switching commands at all in that environment....
