Subject Re: [IBO] Internal SchemaCache ERRCODE: 335544374
Author Elmar Knoerzer
Hallo Thomas,
we have got the same good old friends :-)

I have changed this too and now it's running fine.

Thanks a lot!!!

Regards Elmar

> My good old friend Beyond Compare reminds me that line 1196 needs to be
> changed from
> FProcParamsAttrStmt: TIB_Statement;
> to
> FProcParamsAttrStmt: TIB_Dataset;
> as well.
> But you might have figured that out as well, because you wouldn't have
> been able to compile the package without this change anyway. ;-)
> --
> Best Regards,
> Thomas Steinmaurer
> LogManager Series - Logging/Auditing Suites supporting
> InterBase, Firebird, Advantage Database, MS SQL Server and
> NexusDB V2
> Upscene Productions