Subject Re: [IBO] What's the status on the Firebird 2 related fixes?
Author Martijn Tonies
> > > In addition to the event, you could choose to do UTF8 yourself,
> > > cause it's so standard. Would that be a WideString in Delphi speak?
> >
> > WideStrings store Unicode as 16-Bit words (UCS-2 or UTF-16, depending
> > on OS), UTF-8 stores Unicode as octet sequences. There is a type
> > definition in the System unit that goes:
> >
> > UTF8String = type string;
> > // ^^^^^^ which is AnsiString
> >
> > Please learn the difference between Unicode, WideStrings, UTF-8,
> > UTF-16, ANSI, Windows-1252 and ISO-8859-1 *before* *implementing*
> > anything that has to do with Character Sets.
> >
> > If there's anything I can do to help with that, please let me know.
> >
> > BTW: The Firebird Client already does transliteration so it's
> > questionable if IBO has to do it, too.
> This is my problem. I'm lost, quite frankly, because I'm spoiled to never
> have to use this stuff and so I don't fully understand how to deal with
> this.
> For getting UTF-8 support finished for Martijn, how do I convert it back
> the native bytes that Firebird expects?

Have you figured something out yet? Or tested it?

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL, NexusDB, Oracle &
MS SQL Server
Upscene Productions
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