Subject Re: [IBO] What about opening a public bug-tracker?
Author Marco Menardi
--- In, "Jason Wharton" <supportlist@...> wrote:
> > Hi, I've some bugs hanging since long time, and I've no idea if I
> > have to re-tell to Jason, if he has lost them or just don't care or
> > just have already been fixed.
> > I've seen many FOSS projects using public bug trackers like "mantis",
> > or "issuezilla".
> > What about using something like that for IBO?
> I don't generally care for bug tracking packages off the shelf.
I've used
> some of them on projects I've had in the past and it was usually
more work
> to manage that system than to just fix the bug and as a result it
was not
> kept properly up to date and so you couldn't reliably count on the
> > Bug fixing is really time-consuming, but also bug reporting is, and
> > the impression that the efforts are wasted or "lost in the space" is
> > really discouraging.
> I have a system that keeps all submitted bug cases and I spend as
much time
> as I can on them. The more you do to help by creating simple sample
apps to
> isolate problems the quicker I can get to things. If somthing is
> you then feel free to communicate your urgency.
> Jason Wharton

Yes, but for instance I've a problem with IB_CombBox embedded in a
grid. You can't type the value you want and have it correctly put in
the field, i.e. I have:

I insert a new record, type "c" or "C" in the ComboBox, the text
"Contatore" appears, as soon as I pass to the next field in the grid
the "M" appears instead! I have to drop down the ComboBox and select
it from the list to have the correct value inserted. Was not so bad in
the past, I was able to use the keyboard.
Btw, in the past I used to have as ItemValues the same as Items:
since is a 1 char field, in the past it took the first letter of the
ItemValues and was fine, but does not work anymore.

Is it already in your private bugtracker? How can I know?
Do I have to spend time to provide you a sample just to know that you
are already aware of this problem?
That's why I asked for a "public" bug tracker.
Also a public list of "known bugs" would be fine, so efforts are not
Thanks a lot :)
Marco Menardi