Subject Re: [IBO] Importing data from duplicate database
Author Ed Dressel
Thanks for the response.

> I don't think you need to know the PK and FKs as long as you copy
> the data of the primary tables first.

I am not sure I understand this. The PKs will change in the new
database, then the import tool needs to know that.

> Something like this:
> for x := 0 to IBData1.FieldCount-1 do
> if Assigned(IBData2.FindField(IBData1.Fields[x].FieldName)) then
> IBData2.FieldByName(IBData1.Fields[x].FieldName).Assign(
> IBData1.Fields[x]);

That is what I was thinking--just adding PK and foreign key awareness
(and some special cases, which I am aware of in my database).

Ed Dressel