Subject RE: [IBO]Major problem for me with V4.7.16
Author Paul Hope
Hi Jason

> Paul,
> > I've got a bit stuck in the middle here. I had to upgrade to
> > v4.7 because 4.6Bc was 'seriously broken'.
> What got seriously broken?
> If it was just in that last sub-release I'm sure I can either
> do some touch-up to 4.6Bc or I can give you a sub-set of
> changes for the release prior to that.
> Jason
Below is the message that covered the above. In fact I discovered
afterwards that one query continued to give the same error even when the
join syntax was made implicit. As far as I am concerned I wont need 4.6Bc
provided I can get everything (IB4.6 and FB1.5 stuff)working in 4.7.

I very much appreciate the effort you put in and the overall quality of the
product - in this case a more obvious warning that certain things had to be
tidied up for 4.7 would have useful ;-)

Off to the pub for Friday night sirloin steak and ausie wine :-)
Paul (see below)

At 12:15 AM 16/02/2007, you wrote:
>Version 4.6Bc
>Odd thing has occured
>Have a TIB_Query with nothing set or connected except the IB_Connection
>and this SQL
>select h.invoice_number,h.customer_ac_no,h.status,
>from ((icc_header h join iccline l on h.icc_no=l.icc_no)join product p
>on p.product_number=l.product_id)join
>customer c on h.customer_ac_no=c.account_no and order
>by h.Invoice_number
>In the Designer prepare gives the error 'field
>If I put this SQL into IBExpert it works fine - If I remove the select
>columns from icc_header, just leaving those from iccline it works fine.
>If I change the SQL to the other join syntax
>select h.invoice_number,h.customer_ac_no,h.status,
>from icc_header h,iccline l,product p,customer c where
>h.icc_no=l.icc_no and p.product_number=l.product_id and
>h.customer_ac_no=c.account_no and order by
>it works fine!
>When running the app with SQL monitor it lists the fields including
>ICCLINE.QUANTITY_DELIVERED then shows the error.
>Is this a new bug or am I doing something daft?

well, those brackets don't belong in that syntax, that's for sure. I think
the dsql parser on the server side will just ignore them but they'll sure be
a challenge to the IBO parser.

The parser in IBO 4.6Bc is seriously broken anyway, particularly for joins.
You really shouldn't be trying to do anything serious with that version.

Still, for the record (and for when you update to IBO 4.7), the proper
syntax for the explicit join is:

from icc_header h
join iccline l on h.icc_no=l.icc_no
join product p on p.product_number=l.product_id join customer c on
order by h.Invoice_number
