Subject RE: [IBO]Major problem for me with V4.7.16
Author Paul Hope
> PH> Is 4.7 not intended to be compatible with old apps? Just
> in case I
> PH> cant catch up quickly enough what is the last stable
> version that is?
> If you are planning to keep 4.7, so accept the idea that you
> will mostly have to go to ALL your query components and check
> the KeyRelation, KeyLinks and SQL, and correct it to be
> compatible with the new FB 2 restrictive alias system. This
> is the only way IBO will work (right), in spite of the fact
> of what FB version your are using.
Thanks Carlos
I will try and stay with 4.7 it can only help when I finally move to FB2.

> I had a lot of work doing this, and found several bugs in the latest
> 4.7 betas, specially in the parser routines. Most of them are
> already fixed by Jason, after I reported it to him.

**Most**? Are there some known bugs to fix?
