Subject Re: [IBO]Major problem for me with V4.7.16
Author Helen Borrie
At 11:23 PM 16/02/2007, Martijn wrote:
I wrote:
> > > I'm curious about where you picked up the idea of bracketing
> > > everything including the ON .... It's not even provided as
> > > an optional syntax under the standard, as far I can find out...

You wrote:

>Brackets are legal as he used them.
>I believe the brackets signal preferred join order.

Can you provide a reference? AFAIU, there is no "preferred join
order". There is a *bug* in right outer joins, where the order of
occurrence can affect how the base stream on the right side is built
and thus can give a different result to what the standard expects. I
*think* this is being addressed for v.2.1 (not 2.0.1) and in the
meantime should *not* be relied on as a "workaround" for something
that shouldn't be logically possible.

But for inner (exclusive) joins, there isn't any logic that makes the
output set different according to the order in which the joins are made.
