Subject Re: [IBO] Column does not belong to referenced table - Bug report
Author Helen Borrie
At 11:32 PM 7/02/2007, you wrote:
>Sorry if I donĀ“t became to understand;
>The problem is: Need I alter all sql sentences in my application???
>The problem is "column uknown" in a correct sql
>sentence! (runnning at least 2 years with old IBO version)

It's not an correct SQL sentence, and now it is illegal syntax in Firebird 2.

>The problem is the sentence created by the
>component iboquery in editsql: UPD TE SET WHERE RDB$DB_KEY = :DB_KEY
>The problem is the sentence created by the
>component iboquery in insertsql: INSER) INTO (VALUES )

Would you please read my answer again. You
cannot use the query editor for automatically
creating DML statements for joined sets. You
will need to write an executable stored procedure
and make the appropriate calls to this SP in the
InsertSQL, EditSQL and DeleteSQL properties of the IBOQuery.

But first, correct your SELECT statement and set
your KeyLinks. I would give you the syntax for
the corrected statement, except that might
encourage you to ignore the tightened enforcement
of syntax in Fb 2. :-) So read the release notes
and make the correction yourself.
