Subject Re: [IBO] Generators don't increment anymore
Author Martijn Tonies
> OK, Martijn.
> The problem IS NOT in firebird.
> the problem is in IBO 4.8.7 Evaluation version.
> Jason has changed something and now my generators don't increment anymore.

Aha, well, YOU posted trigger code saying that your generators
don't increment and, I believe, mentioning the chance from Firebird
1.5 to 2.0.

I would suggest trying to re-create the problem in a test application
and explain what you're really doing.

> all there.
> I don't reply to support posts, because they are gone in another face
> more generalized of the problem.

You might want to reply to those posts saying it has gone the wrong
way and that the problem lays elsewhere cause we're all stil interested
in it :-)

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL, NexusDB, Oracle &
MS SQL Server
Upscene Productions
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