Subject RE: [IBO] Transfer a large database 2GB to FB using IB_Query. Memory growing up a lot.
Author Jason Wharton
Please also add the below calls to BeginBusy and EndBusy as they will
eliminate the SQL Hourglass flickering.

Jason Wharton

> Var
> MyParam1, MyParam2: TIB_Column;
> Begin
> VALUES(:MyParamName1, :MyParamName2)');
> IB_DSQL1.Prepare;
> MyParam1:=IB_DSQL1.ParamByName('MyParamName1');
> MyParam2:=IB_DSQL1.ParamByName('MyParamName2');


IB_DSQL.BeginBusy( false );

> While not <All records inserted>
> Begin
> MyParam1.AsInteger:=<number>;
> MyParam2.AsString:=<string>;
> IB_DSQL1.Execute;
> End;

> IB_Transaction1.Commit;




> End;
> This should speed up things considerably,
> Set
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of hamacker
> Sent: 28. november 2007 17:19
> To:
> Subject: [IBO] Transfer a large database 2GB to FB using
> IB_Query. Memory growing up a lot.
> Hi again,
> I need to transfer database clients in MSSQL to FB2 database.
> I create a simple application that read one record from MSSQL and
> using IB_Query (insert...values) transfer to FB2. ex:
> IB_Query1.SQL.Add('INSERT INTO TABLE(...) VALUES(...)')
> IB_Query1.ExecSQL;
> IB_Query1.IB_Transaction.Commit;
> But something is wrong, when start the memory of server (localhost) is
> 240M, after 10 min then 340M, after 45 min 1GB of RAM and growing up.
> How can I fix this ?
> I migrate from IBX last month to IBO, and I use IB_* suite.
> I using delphi 6 + IBO4.
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