Subject RE: [IBO] SchemaCache and invalidating local files
Author Jason Wharton

> I have made following test:
> - I have deleted all *.IBO files along with their directory
> - after running the application all files where created
> This is the content of ClientSchemaVer.IBO file:
> Computed=3
> Defaults=3
> ForeignKeys=3
> IndexDefs=3
> PrimaryKeys=3
> ProcedureNames=3
> TableFields=3
> TableKeys=3
> - then I have updated VERSION_NUMBER column to value 4
> manually and run
> application again - the content of ClientSchemaVer.IBO file
> didn't change.
> I use following code in my application:
> DB_U.SchemaCacheDir := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName);
> DB_U.Connect;
> DB_U.SchemaCache.CheckSchemaVersionTable;
> where DB_U is TIB_Connection component.
> The enviroment is D2007 with IBO 4.7.16.
> Is there something I can do to help you trace the problem?

At this point a sample app is going to be the most help.
