Subject [IBO] Re: Problems with strech (JPEGImage)
Author Popa Ovidiu Razvan
--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@...> wrote:
> At 07:50 PM 29/10/2007, you wrote:
> >--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@> wrote:
> >>
> >> At 09:24 PM 26/10/2007, you wrote:
> >> >Hi
> >> >I am using TIB_JPEGImage for showing some picture.
> >> >My problem is.
> >> >I set
> >> >Stretch = True
> >> >Center = True
> >> >AutoSize = False (the real picture is smalleer)
> >> >
> >> >the picture dosent strecth like I need
> >> >she put the original picture in the center and the rest is
> >with
> >> >color White (Component Color).
> >> >any advice ?
> >>
> >> I think you want Autosize = True
> >>
> >> This should cause the image to be scaled up to fit into the
> >TPicture, which seems to be what you really wanted to happen...
> >>
> >> Helen
> >>
> >
> >NO I dont wanna do this.
> Yes, I understand that now.
> >I want the picture to scale the COMPONENT not vice versa.
> >If I make component 100x200 I want the image displayed to be
> What are you using as a container? Have you tried, for example,
placing the IB_JPegImage inside an ordinary TPanel, sized to suit,
and placing the image component in it, with the Align property set to
> Helen

I tried.
Dosent work :(