Subject Re: SQL-cursor (icon)
Author fil_software
Hi Glenn;

If your component is TIBOQuery and you use the RecordCount
repeatedly, tries to put the RecordCountAcurate property = False.
This does that each you see that counts makes a SQL to the server if
he is true. I had a similar case with a TIBOQuery component and a
TAction component.


--- In, Glenn De Tollenaere
<glenn.detollenaere@...> wrote:
> Hi Jason,
> I use one IB_Connection, that is connected to a IB_Session-
> All queries and datasets are set to this IB_Connection at creation
(in inherited FormCreate).
> My code is as follows:
> Try
> frm_basecomp.IBDB.BeginBusy(False);
> If Not LoadMyPreferences
> Then
> Begin
> frm_basecomp.IBDB.EndBusy;
> Exit;
> End;
> Finally
> frm_basecomp.IBDB.EndBusy;
> End;
> where IBDB is the IB_Connection (residing on a general form
> I debugged the application, LoadMyPreferences happens inside
BeginBusy and EndBusy, still flickers however.
> I suspect setting the connection of queries and datasets at runtime
is ok ?
> regards
> Glenn
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Jason Wharton <supportlist@...>
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2007 10:25:55 AM
> Subject: RE: [IBO] SQL-cursor (icon)
> Glenn,
> > I tried this, but the cursor (icon) keeps flickering ?
> > I must say, the code is at this stage a mix of IBO and BDE
> > (the application is being transformed gradually), there are
> > several queries and datasets being opened at startup. Next to
> > that: some forms are created and also settings are being read
> > from within the database.
> >
> > Any ideas ?
> It can only be one of two things.
> 1) You somehow have multiple session objects in your application.
> 2) You are not getting the code inside the Begin/End Busy protected
> Jason
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