Subject Re: [IBO] TBlobField-usage in IBO
Author glenn.detollenaere
--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@...> wrote:
> At 06:21 AM 4/10/2007, you wrote:
> >Hi all,
> >
> >I am trying to find out how I can achieve the
> >TBlobField-functionalities in IBO. In our application we do have some
> >blob-fields that are being retrieved and stored. They contain
> >graphical information that is being drawn on the canvas of the app.
> >
> >What is the best way to convert it (from BDE) to IBO ?
> >Is there an easy way to do this ? Any documentation ?
> >
> >All other features are quite straightforward, only the
> >BLOB-functionalities aren't that easy to convert ?
> What worked in the BDE should work the same with the IBO TDataset
> components. ("Native" IBO handles blobs differently...) Can you
> describe the problems you're having? Also, would you provide some
> info about versions of everything...
> Helen
Hi Helen,

I use Delphi 6, here is the snippet where the error occurs (Invalid
Type Cast):

PutImage(FieldByName('TAND').AsInteger,InColor); {image on canvas}
On E:Exception Do

How do I convert this to IBO, I have tried TIBOBlobStream but that
does not seem to be published (I have checked TIBODataSet.pas and
there is a TIBOBlobStream-class but not published) ?
