Subject Re: [IBO] Services API components for FB 2.0
Author Tom Munro Glass
On Wed, 03 Oct 2007, Alan McDonald wrote:
> apart from the obvious (e.g. servername property..)
> make sure you use cpTCP_IP ansd set the params as
> 'user_name=SYSDBA'
> 'password=masterkey'
> then set the active property True
> then call DisplayUsers method to fill the buffer
> with IBOSecurityService1 do begin
> DisplayUsers;
> for i:=0 to UserInfoCount-1 do begin
> if ((UserInfo[i].LastName<>'') and (UserInfo[i].LastName<>' ')) then
> dispName := UserInfo[i].LastName+', ';
> if ((UserInfo[i].FirstName<>'') and (UserInfo[i].FirstName<>' '))
> then dispName := dispName + UserInfo[i].FirstName;
> you get the picture
> OR do this
> with IBOSecurityService1 do begin
> // Save the user info
> UserName := gUserName;
> FirstName := gFirstName;
> MiddleName := gEmail;
> LastName := gLastName;
> Password := gPassword;
> GroupID := gGroup;
> Active := True;
> ModifyUser;
> end;
> OR this
> with IBOSecurityService1 do begin
> // Modify the user info
> UserName := gUserName;
> FirstName := gFirstName;
> MiddleName := gEmail;
> LastName := gLastName;
> Password := gPassword;
> GroupID := gGroup;
> Active := True;
> AddUser;
> Alan
Many thanks Alan - setting up Params was the crucial detail I was missing.
