Subject RE: [IBO] IB_FTS Issues
Author Helen Borrie
At 02:10 PM 19/01/2007, Jack Cane wrote:
>Here is the complete error message:
>ISC ERROR CODE:335544569
>Dynamic SQL Error
>SQL error code = -204
>Table unknown
>At line 1, column 10.
>TIB_Cursor: "<TApplication>.frmFTS.crTXT."
>I am not knowingly using double quoted table names. There are no quotes
>around table names when looking at them in Database Workbench.
>TestingTable is one of 7 tables in my database. FTS has added an 8th
>table, FTS$_IND.
>Hope that answers your question.

Yes it does. In DBW, could you please run this query in a DSQL window:

select rdb$relation_name from rdb$relations
where rdb$relation_name not starting with 'RDB$'
order by 1

and report whether you see TESTINGTABLE or TestingTable in the output.
