Subject RE: [IBO] changing KeyLinks, MasterLinks etc to use aliases
Author Jason Wharton
> Hi,

Sorry I should have answered this sooner.

> I finally got a small application that can parse
> a dfm file and create an in-memory object tree
> representing all the objects stored in the dfm file.
> I still haven't finished all the writing-back-to-dfm
> procedures but I'm close.

Sounds very promising!

> Currently I'm processing all TIB_Dataset descendants in a file and can
> get objects representing their linked datasets (like MasterSource's
> dataset etc) if they are located in the same file.
> I'm using IB_Parse.GetRelAliasList() to get a list of aliases used in
> the SQL statement of the dataset. To determine their correct and
> consistent usage in the other properties I'd need to parse the *Links
> properties.
> Are there already any procedures that can help me with this? Or do I
> have to parse these StringLists myself?

If you use a TIB_StringList instance then you have quite a number of
facilities to work with the contents of the stringlist.

> Thanks for any hints, and a Happy New Year to you all!
> Markus

Jason Wharton