Subject Re: [IBO] IB_Cursor... how - VPN
Author Robert martin
Will test :)

I had read somewhere that FB was chatty in regards to non data transfer
activities and though the ib_cursor might be better but reading your
comments below it seems like the overhead of transferring the data might
be higher with a ib_cursor. Anyway I will give it a try.


Rob Martin
Software Engineer

phone +64 03 377 0495
fax +64 03 377 0496

Wild Software Ltd

Helen Borrie wrote:
> At 11:30 AM 7/09/2006, you wrote:
>> Hi Helen
>> As an aside to all this, I have a small app running over a VPN (Across
>> the web) that uses ib_Query. Would changing it to ib_Cursor also reduce
>> some of the traffic caused when running a Query?
> "Traffic" translates to requests in one direction and results in the
> other. Results are what clients get back as the result of
> requests. So, simplistically, if your query is requesting 100,000
> rows, the "traffic" is the same.
> However, the one-by-one request (ib_cursor) isn't necessarily the
> same as far as the network is concerned, theoretically at least. The
> network could package multiple rows of a small record structure in a
> single packet, whereas the one-by-one fetches would be one (or more)
> packets per fetch. I say "theoreticaIly" as I *think* the API does
> do something along those lines when it knows the client is going to
> buffer the dataset at the client.
>> I know I shouldn't run FB over the Interent but in this case the app is
>> sufficiently small and performance if good.
> Why not test it?
> Helen
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