Subject NOT Re: [IBO] IBO with multi-thread
Author Helen Borrie
At 11:14 AM 31/08/2006, Rob Martin wrote:
>Hi, my names not Helen but I might be able to help :)
> ibSession := TIB_Session.Create(nil);
> ibConnection := TIB_Connection.Create(*ibSession*); //Changed
> ibtransacao:=TIB_Transaction.Create(*ibSession*); //Changed
> ibtransacao.IB_Connection:=ibConnection;
> ibtransacao.Isolation:=tiCommitted;
> ibtransacao.IB_Session:=ibSession;
> ibConnection.DatabaseName := 'MYBASE.GDB';
> ibConnection.UserName := 'sysdba';
> ibConnection.Password := 'masterkey';
>ibConnection.Protocol = cpTCP_IP; //New
> ibConnection.SQLDialect:=3;
> ibconnection.DefaultTransaction:=ibtransacao;
> ibconnection.IB_Session:=ibSession;
> ibConnection.Connect;
>You should specify Path and Server instead of DatabaseName. I not your
>example databasename has no path info in it.

Quite right - except Rob you forgot to include them in your example!

so --

// ibConnection.DatabaseName := 'MYBASE.GDB';
ibConnection.DatabaseName := 'abcde'; // anything friendly
ibConnection.Path := 'D:\Path\To\MYBASE.GDB';
ibConnection.Server := 'localhost';
ibConnection.UserName := 'sysdba';
ibConnection.Password := 'masterkey';

ibConnection.Protocol = cpTCP_IP; //New

Note, if you leave Server, Path and Protocol blank, you can use
DatabaseName (not recommended though) but the entire,
protocol-correct connection string is required, viz.

ibConnection.Path := 'localhost:D:\Path\To\MYBASE.GDB';

Also, if you are using Firebird v.1.5 or higher, it is recommended to
make use of the database aliasing feature. In that case, replace the
Path element with the alias, e.g.

In aliases.conf:

mydb = D:\Path\To\MYBASE.GDB

Then, in IBO:

ibConnection.Path := 'mydb;

Please do not hijack other people's topics !!!
