Subject Re: [IBO] TIB_Monitor
Author Jack Engleman
I am using TIB_MonitorDialog that allows you to monitor the
communications for the current
Application to look at a log of the activity to and from the Firebird
database. I have it working now
and it is very informative.

Best regards

Jack Engleman

MagnoS wrote:
> Hello
> I would like to know if is this possible to create a application to
> monitor another applications with IBO.
> Tanks
> Magno
> <<Original Text>>>
> Tem como criar uma aplicação de monitoramento.
> Onde ela monitore outra aplicação com IBO?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Dennis McFall
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 4:42 PM
> Subject: Re: [IBO] TIB_Monitor
> At 03:17 PM 8/29/2006, you wrote:
> >I am new to IBOBjects. I have my application up and running on
> >IBOBjects and I am wanting to use the ib_monitor function to look at
> >activity to the database. I put the TIB_MonitorDialog icon on my main
> >form and tried to execute it and I get a crash on my application. Can
> >anybody send a snippet of code showing how they call and setup this
> >function.
> procedure TSomeForm.SomeEvent();
> begin
> end;
> Did you set the BaseConnection and DefaultTransaction properties?
> ./dm
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]