Subject Re: [IBO] Long delay when 1st connecting to database
Author Dany M
It was suggested to test with another tool to connect. Did you (John)
try that? Next suggestion is to install FB on a clean system and try
again. Next, break it down and make a trial app where you have only a
IB_Connection and nothing else. Ans so on...

I had a client with a AntiVirus software that actually took the liberty
of starting FB in another instance to "report" on it. Really wierd
stuff. This did not a connection delay but made every other connection
attempt to fail with FB (the crooked instance) reporting that it was not
able to access the filesystem... sure :(

There's lot's of strange things in "modern" windows (severside, I mean)
that does the most remarkable things. M$ or 3rd party...


John Costanzo wrote:
> Hello Kevin:
> I am running verson 1.53
> --- In, "Kevin Stanton"
> <Kevin.Stanton@...> wrote:
>> Just curious, maybe I missed this, but what version of Firebird
> are you
>> using?
>> I used to have very long connects when connecting from IBO or any
>> connectivity tool when using FB 1.03.
>> Once I upgraded my customer to 1.53, connecting is just about
> instantaneous.
>> Kevin
>> _____
>> From: []
> On Behalf
>> Of John Costanzo
>> Sent: Monday, August 14, 2006 12:55 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [IBO] Long delay when 1st connecting to database
>> Hello:
>> I tried using IB_SQL and IBCONSOLE. Both have the same 30 second
>> delay so it obviously not an application problem. I have not read
>> the TechInfo sheet on writing client/server applications because
>> this is simply a local application. Since there is no network
>> involved my assumption was that it really didn't matter what
>> happened on the "server" since the entire application is on one
>> machine. However, I will read the TechInfo sheet. There are only 1
>> queries in the application and I honestly think that 30 is a long
>> time for such a small application but I suppose I can live with 30
>> seconds. 30 seconds sure beats 4 minutes!
>> Thanks for the help
>> --- In IBObjects@yahoogrou <>
>> Helen Borrie <helebor@> wrote:
>>> At 12:11 AM 15/08/2006, you wrote:
>>>> Hello Hellen:
>>>> Changing the suffex helped. I changed it to .IB and now instead
>> of
>>>> 4 minutes it only takes 30 seconds. Howeverm 30 seconds is a
> long
>>>> delay and I suspect many of my cliends will complain. Is there
>>>> anything else I can do to spped up connection time?
>>> Particularly don't open datasets at startup. This isn't
>>> Paradox. Hold off opening any datasets until they are actually
>>> needed. There's a thing that happens called "Prepare" that,
>> unlike
>>> in Paradox, actually interacts with the server. It fetches over
>> all
>>> of the metadata of your queries. If there are lots of them, it
>>> wouldn't be out of the park for it to take 30 seconds.
>>> Have you read the TechInfo sheet on writing client/server
>> applications?
>>> Helen
>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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