Subject Re: TIB_Events
Author radevojvodic
what is fAvailable variable. If it means that connection is not
available then unregistering events could not be performed.

--- In, Robert martin <rob@...> wrote:
> Hi
> I have setup a TIB_Events for each 'Company' managed by our
> application. It is working great, in that it triggers correctly and
> runs just fine. However (most times) when I close the app I get a
> GDS32.dll error. It seems to be triggering when I disconnect from the
> database, although I cannot be 100% sure. Can anybody offer some
> suggestions.
> My code follows.
> In the TCompany class it is setup like this...
> fIb_Events := TIB_Events.Create(fSession);
> fIb_Events.IB_Connection := DataBase;
> fIb_Events.Events.Clear;
> fIb_Events.Events.Add('ProcessEvent_Changed');
> fIb_Events.OnEventAlert := TriggerEvent;
> When the Database is connected the following code runs...
> if (fAvailable = True) then begin
> if (fIb_Events.Registered = False) then begin
> fIb_Events.RegisterEvents;
> end;
> end;
> And when it is disconnected (It sometimes is connected and disconnected
> multiple times during the classes life) ...
> if (fAvailable = False) then begin
> if (fIb_Events.Registered = True) then begin
> fIb_Events.UnregisterEvents;
> end;
> end;
> In the TCompany destructor ...
> fIb_Events.OnEventAlert := Nil;
> if (DataBase.Connected = True) then begin
> if (fIb_Events.Registered = True) then begin
> fIb_Events.UnregisterEvents;
> end;
> end;
> fIb_Events.IB_Connection := Nil;
> fIb_Events.Free;
> ....
> DataBase.Connected := False;
> DataBase.Free;
> --
> Rob Martin
> Software Engineer
> phone +64 03 377 0495
> fax +64 03 377 0496
> web
> Wild Software Ltd