Subject Re: [IBO] SQL ERROR CODE:-836
Author Helen Borrie
At 05:05 PM 5/07/2006, you wrote:
>Good day all
>We have a weird error at a site. We have the same version of the
>program at other sites with no problems. But only this one site
>is giving this error.
>We tried with the Monitor to see what causes it, BUT no such luck.
>The error does not happen then. Thus intermitted.
>The thing that confuses us, is the error message. We do not know
>where to start with this.
>Here is the message
>exception 0
>Any help will be appreciated.

It's the SQLCODE that is returned when there is an exception that the
engine doesn't recognise as one of its own. If there is a number in
the text message that is >0 then it will be a custom exception that
was created using CREATE EXCEPTION. The zero here comes when the
engine is clueless about what the exception is.

If you're sure that it is happening at only one site, the first thing
to check out will be whether the client being used doesn't match the
server being used and/or the client is getting access to a message
file for a different server version than the one for the server being
accessed. Either (or both) things could happen if the user has
installed some software that uses a different version to what you
have deployed.

Then again, if you're still using some old InterBase version (as I
think you mentioned somewhere recently) then it could be just about
anything, bugs not excepted.


>I hope it helps
>Johannes Pretorius
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