Subject | RE: [IBO] Optimizing TIBOTable inserts |
Author | Alan McDonald |
Post date | 2006-07-01T01:15:07Z |
> > sounds like all you need is a few interfaces to start breakingI appreciate your detailed description but I'd have to say that I would need
> away from old
> > code. You say you are now optimising for both environments so
> whenever you
> > start one of these optimisations, create an interface. The paradox
> setup
> > will use the paradox side of the interface, the new firebird setup
> will use
> > the firebird side of the interface.
> I think this is essentially what I've done, although I haven't
> greatly used interfaces, but I'd be interested in a little more
> detail. The specific case I've been working on is a call with this
> prototype:
> procedure ReadIntoTableWithFields(var f: file; table:
> TLWPortableTable; extraFields: TExtraFields);
> My implementation of TLWPortableTable looks essentially like this:
> TLWPortableTable=class({$IF Defined(IBO)} TIBOTable {$ELSE} TTable
> {$IFEND})
> Originally my app liberally used TTable and had many classes that
> inherited TTable. When I began my conversion to Firebird, I
> converted all references of TTable in my app to TLWPortableTable.
> Then I started filling in the gaps that TIBOTable doesn't provide
> for, e.g. that Firebird index names are global rather than within
> the table's namespace, that IBO doesn't have RenameTable, that IBO
> can do ranges far faster than it can do FindKey, that there's no
> support for BatchMove, etc. Repeat all of the above for TQuery,
> TIBOQuery, and TLWPortableQuery, not to mention TLWPortableDatabase,
> TLWPortableDataSet, & TLWPortableBatchMove.
> Eventually I got a system that would compile with {$DEFINE IBO}. A
> while later I got a system that would run. Now I'm working on a
> system that runs well. Mostly I've put all my work into making
> TLWPortableTable handle all the differences between TIBOTable and
> TTable. I've got a single unit, PortableTable, that handles more
> than 95% of the differences between IBO and TTable/Paradox. Every
> time I run into a case that doesn't work or doesn't work well, I
> first try to handle it generically in PortableTable. As a last
> resort I'll handle it out in the codebase where the problem actually
> occurs, but this gets me into the bad situation of dealing with
> problems on a case-by-case basis. Which brings me back to the case
> in point, ReadIntoTableWithFields.
> So how exactly would you apply your approach to this particular
> problem?
> Thanks,
> Kevin Donn
to know a lot more about your project and your code base to make really
usefull directions on this matter.
That said - If you haven't worked with interfaces much you'd need to do some
reading first.
I would start looking at
> procedure ReadIntoTableWithFields(var f: file; table:and thinking along the lines of where you can make the switch from table to
> TLWPortableTable; extraFields: TExtraFields);
query. You could write the implementation of this procedure such that the
first thing it does is translate the properties of a table into the
properties of a query.
then you call
> procedure ReadIntoTableWithFields(var f: file; query:Thus you have the interface... you can call the second proc directly more
> TLWPortableQuery; extraFields: TExtraFields);
often as your code base matures. This first call may require modification to
pass additional propertiesin the first instance.
I would also think along the lines of abandoning reliance on the IBOsets and
move to IB_sets in the same steps.