Subject Re: [IBO] install problem with delphi5 and ibo 4.6B
Author Helen Borrie
At 03:24 PM 22/06/2006, you wrote:
>Sounds similar to a message I posted yesterday regarding IBO
>installation with BDS2006
>I haven't had a response to the message at this time.

OK, here's a response to both of you.

Unfortunately, Jason hasn't yet found a way (if any exists) to get
around any custom configuration settings in your IDE. The way he has
now set up the installers for 4.6B attempts to a) send the BPL and
DCP files to the system32 directory and b) send the DCU files to the
IBO root directory. There is still no guarantee that a combination
of path-seeking bugs in many editions of Delphi plus anomalies
between your library path and your browsing path will not cause
output to go to strange places.

At the end of the day, you should have all of your run-time BPL files
(9 of them) in system32. You might find also find the 9 design-time
files and the 18 DCP files there, or you might otherwise find the
latter 27 in the Projects\BPL folder beneath your Delphi root. If
that folder doesn't exist, it's going to take a bit of searching to
find them. You can move them somewhere that Delphi can find them (or
configure your paths so that Delphi knows where to look). Then you
may need to go through Components | Install Packages and check them
on in the package list.

In the latest Winhelp file (look in the help folder beneath your IBO
root) you should find a new Installation section. In there, you will
find a lot of tips for ensuring that you have the correct things in
place *before* the installation so that Delphi can find them *after*
the installation.

Particularly pay attention to the notes about clean installing and
about ensuring that you have the required path mappings in your
environment options.

Note, if you have used an installer that installed the help without
showing the non-component topics in the Contents tab, then go to the
help folder and replace the text in the file IB_Objects_4_6.toc with
the following:

------------------------ copy below here ----------------------------
:Base IB_Objects_4_6.hlp>Main
:Title IB Objects v.4.6
1 IB Objects Reference
2 Contents=IBO_Help@IB_Objects_4_6.hlp
2 Introduction=Introduction@IB_Objects_4_6.hlp
2 What is IBO?=WhatisIBO@IB_Objects_4_6.hlp
2 Subscriptions=Subscriptions@IB_Objects_4_6.hlp
2 Registration=Registration@IB_Objects_4_6.hlp
2 Copyright & Disclaimer=Copyright@IB_Objects_4_6.hlp
2 Author=Author@IB_Objects_4_6.hlp
1 Installing IBO 4
2 Before you start=Beforeyoustart@IB_Objects_4_6.hlp
2 Directories setup=Directoriessetup@IB_Objects_4_6.hlp
2 Order of IBO packages=OrderofIBOpackages@IB_Objects_4_6.hlp
2 Evaluation kits=Evaluationkits@IB_Objects_4_6.hlp
2 Preparing to Install IB Objects=PreparingtoInstall@IB_Objects_4_6.hlp
2 Windows Installer=WindowsInstaller@IB_Objects_4_6.hlp
2 Installing from the BPG file=InstallingfromtheBPGfile@IB_Objects_4_6.hlp
2 Delphi 3=Delphi3@IB_Objects_4_6.hlp
2 C++Builder notes=CBuildernotes@IB_Objects_4_6.hlp
2 Non-English IDEs=Non-EnglishIDEs@IB_Objects_4_6.hlp
2 Some known problems=Someknownproblems@IB_Objects_4_6.hlp
2 Service Application Framework=ServiceApplicationFramework@IB_Objects_4_6.hlp
2 Delphi Versions/Editions
2 Add-ons=Add-ons@IB_Objects_4_6.hlp
2 Installing this Help file=Installingthishelpfile@IB_Objects_4_6.hlp
1 BDE to IBO Conversion Guide
2 BDE to IBO Conversion Guide=ConvertBDEtoIBO@IB_Objects_4_6.hlp
2 Why Convert to IBO=WhyConverttoIBO@IB_Objects_4_6.hlp
2 What IBO Doesn't Support=WhatdoesntIBOsupport@IB_Objects_4_6.hlp
2 Converting to IBO Classes=ConvertingtoIBOclasses@IB_Objects_4_6.hlp
2 Post Conversion Requirements=PostConversionRequirements@IB_Objects_4_6.hlp
2 Post Conversion Suggestions=PostConversionSuggestions@IB_Objects_4_6.hlp
2 CSDemos Sample Conversion=CSDemosConversion@IB_Objects_4_6.hlp
2 Mastapp Sample Conversion=MastAppConversion@IB_Objects_4_6.hlp
1 Technical Information Sheets
2 Technical Information Sheets=TechnicalInformationSheets@IB_Objects_4_6.hlp
2 About Technical Information
2 TI sheet catalog=TIsheetcatalog@IB_Objects_4_6.hlp
1 Tutorials and Samples
2 Tutorials and Samples=Tutorials@IB_Objects_4_6.hlp
2 Building the Tutorials and Samples=BuildingtheTutorials@IB_Objects_4_6.hlp
1 Component Help
2 Units=IDH_Library_IB_Objects_4_6_Units
2 Classes=IDH_Library_IB_Objects_4_6_Classes
2 Components=IDH_Library_IB_Objects_4_6_Components
2 Interfaces=IDH_Library_IB_Objects_4_6_Interfaces
2 Other Types=IDH_Library_IB_Objects_4_6_OtherTypes
2 Routines=IDH_Library_IB_Objects_4_6_Routines
2 Global Variables=IDH_Library_IB_Objects_4_6_Variables
2 Constants not in IB_Constants.pas=IDH_Library_IB_Objects_4_6_Constants
---------------------- end copy ----------------------------------
