Subject Re: [IBO] IBO for FB - Attn Helen Borie
Author Helen Borrie
At 01:01 AM 15/06/2006, you wrote:
> > >do I make it default to FBClient from GDS32.DLL (or is
>this 'standard'
> > >in the new version?
> >
> > Read the release notes (4.5A section).
>Maybe I'm tired too but went through the release notes on my
>*current* version 4.5B, from 4.5 A to 4.5 Ai (I think) and found zip
>on FBClient vs GDS 32.DLL.

I see that Jason has inadvertently deployed an old version of the
release notes in the Eval kit. However, the note about fbclient is
present in that version.


These are changes in IB_Session.pas:

{ Geoff Worboys
<geoff@...> }
{ 12-Jul-2005
{ Changes to allow application to define what client library to
use. }
To use the change an application need only do something
like this...

- - - start dpr project file - - -

IB_Session, // Must use IB_Session

function GetFBClientLibName: string;
Result := 'myfbclient.dll';

// Tell IB_Session where to get the client lib name
IB_GetClientLibNameFunc := GetFBClientLibName;
// then continue with the normal stuff
- - - end dpr project file - - -
{ Geoff Worboys
<geoff@...> }
{ 14-Apr-2005
{ Changed to try first fbclient.dll, if not found then try
gds32.dll. }


>Looked on IBO website but can't find a reference to older IBO
>downloads/release notes.

If you click on the Latest Release box near the top of the main page
of the IBO website, it will take you to the latest release notes.
