Subject Re: TIB_Cursor and DB_KEY
Author clivewalden
--- In, "clivewalden" <clivew@...> wrote:
> Question:
> Is there some other property that will suppress the DB_KEY field as a
> column OR is it safe to use ibCursor.FieldCount-2 in the iteration?
Seems it is NOT safe!

If I have a simple one table SQL query then I can find no way to avoid
the DB_KEY field being returned through TIB_Cursor properties.
However, a joined SQL query does NOT bring back any DB_KEY field
(which makes sense).

Anyway, I found a work around by using a dedicated TIB_Transaction and
setting it to ReadOnly := True.

It seems it should be settable at the TIB_Cursor level by the
developer, not just IBObjects (Y/N)??
