Subject [IBO] Re: Connection problems next
Author hypmarie23
Thanks to Helen and Rita.

I create an alias in the aliases.conf :
cocagneFC = c:\DataCocagne\BDCOCAGNE_PLC.FDB

and wrote the following code in my app :

with IB_Connection1 do
Path := 'cocagneFC';
but it does not seem to be correct. So either I am particularly dumb
or there's something I don't know.
How is the alias name entered in the path ?

--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@...> wrote:
> At 10:27 PM 2/06/2006, you wrote:
> >Thanks a lot for your comments. They make things clear.
> >Sorry but I have a few more questions :
> >1) How will I read the aliases.conf file ?
> You don't. It is done by fbclient.dll.
> >Do I just have to put the
> >alias name in the connection property Aliasname or is there
> >procedure ?
> No. It does NOT belong to the AliasName property which should, in
> opinion, be removed. AliasName has nothing to do with Firebird
> applications do not require to know about the real path that is
> stored in aliases.conf.
> Merely place your Firebird alias in the Path property.

> >2)I have added "DefaultTransaction := IB_Transaction1;" to my code
> >concerning IB_Connection, so that they are now assigned both ways.
> >OK ?
> >3)I don't know what a TS desktop is.
> Terminal Services, now known as Remote Desktop I think. I don't
> what it is called in the French version of Windows.
> Helen