Subject | Re: [IBO] Classic and IBOBackupService |
Author | Helen Borrie |
Post date | 2006-06-02T02:50:51Z |
At 12:21 PM 2/06/2006, you wrote:
Classic on Windows doesn't take local connections (cpLocal) and
TCP/IP (cpTCP_IP) doesn't take a serverless connection.
I don't know what server you have set up but it needs to be either
localhost or the network name of your server.
Also replied to your related question of Fb-support...
>HiNot reading the release notes?
>Sorry to bother people with this again, I thought I had it working but..
>Just switched form SS to classic to test that our backups (using
>TIBOBackupService) were working Ok but they don't!
>It seems to make tiny 1k backup files and not error. My code is as
> IBOBackupService := TIBOBackupService.Create(IBODatabase.IB_Session);
> try
> with IBOBackupService do begin
> LoginPrompt := False;
> Params.Add('user_name=' + UserName);
> Params.Add('password=' + Password);
> Verbose := True;
> Options := [IgnoreLimbo];
> Protocol := cpTCP_IP;
> DatabaseName := IBODatabase.Path;
> ServerName := IBODatabase.Server;
> try
> Active := True;
> except
> on e : exception do begin
> eMessage := 'ERROR : ' + 'Could not activate backup,
>the following error occured..' + #13#13 + Trim(e.Message);
> if (ShowMessages = True) then begin
> MessageDlg(eMessage, mtInformation, [mbOk], 0);
> end;
> Continue := False;
> end;
> end;
> if (Continue = True) then begin
> try
> try
> BackupFile.Clear;
> BackupFile.Add(BackupName);
> ServiceStart;
> if (DoProcessMessages = False) then begin
>//RM 08/04/2005
> while (Eof = False) do begin
> GetNextChunk;
> end;
> end
>The while loop above only goes through once? It works for SS, what am I
>doing wrong?
Classic on Windows doesn't take local connections (cpLocal) and
TCP/IP (cpTCP_IP) doesn't take a serverless connection.
I don't know what server you have set up but it needs to be either
localhost or the network name of your server.
Also replied to your related question of Fb-support...