Subject Re: [IBO] connection problem
Author Helen Borrie
At 10:14 PM 1/06/2006, you wrote:
>I decided to distribute for testing a part of my application on
>another PC and met the following problem :
>The code to connect to the database that runs correctly on my
>machine raises an error mentioning that it is impossible to open the
>file "" and that the specified access path cannot be found.
>Here is the code :
>FDBPath := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName)
>+ 'Database\BDCOCAGNE_PLC.FDB';
> With DM_Cocagne do
> begin
> with IB_Connection1 do
> begin
> Connected := False;
> LoginPrompt := False;
> Username := 'SYSDBA';
> Password := 'masterkey';
> Server := '';
> Path := FDBPath;
> Protocol := cpLocal;
> Connected := true;
> end;
> with IB_Transaction1 do
> begin
> if InTransaction then Rollback;
> AutoCommit := True;
> IB_Connection := IB_Connection1;
> Isolation := tiCommitted;
> RecVersion := True;
> end;
> end;
>I decided to activate the login prompt instead. But I still have the
>same problem.
>It seems as if the path is set to blank.
>Or may be it's another problem relating to the way the data
>components have been compiled ?
>If anyone could bring me some light to my problem, it would be great.
>Thanks in advance

The first problem to address is: Do you have a Firebird server
running on the other machine?
