Subject [IBO] Re: invalid request handle
Author scr0546
thanks Helen for your answer.

I've found the reason of the problem now.
It's neither an issue of IBO nor FB. It's a problem of my way
using IBO.

the reason for these errors:
when destroying a form, all transactions are commited and
dynamically created querycomponents were destroyed.
but in the line before I start a thread, creating a TIBOQuery that
uses one of the afterwards committed transactioncomponents (I have
to run php-actions on a remote webserver when closing the form. I
need a own thread, because the user should not have to wait until
these actions are finished).
my developer-machine is fast enough and therefore I couldn't
reproduce the error.
So it's an issue of correct handling transactions ...
has nothing to do with a lost connection to the database (maybe
temporary because of wrong transactionhandling)
I will find another workaround for that.

The problem with vpn and lost connections I have with IBExpert when
working with a remote database. Maybe your answer helps me with
that :-)


--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@...> wrote:
> At 05:16 PM 26/05/2006, you wrote:
> >one of the other exception is
> >"error reading data from connection"
> Yes, they both mean that the client has lost the connection to the
> server. It's not an IBO problem...however, there's a thread on
> firebird-support at the moment dealing with a similar problem,
> the Windows Virtual Server 2003 vpn. I get the feeling that, when
> that one's solved, problems like yours will be solved too.
> What you can do with your IBO client, though, is catch those
> particular exceptions and write a reconnnection handler -- see the
> thread from a few days ago started by rjschappe, subject "Unable
> complete network request to host".
> Still, for my money, I'd rather see a definitive keep-alive
> for these aggressive vpn managers.
> Helen