Subject Re: [IBO] TIBOQuery: OnSetText and OngetText not firing?
Author Daniel Rail

At May 10, 2006, 11:40 AM, John vd Waeter wrote:
> Yes, thank you.... however, the events don't get triggered.

> I could imagine the OnGetText doesn't get fired because data is already
> fetched and passed into the editbox. But than at least shouldn't the
> OnSetText be fired after editing en posting?

> Or maybe I should put the lines that set the OnGetText-event and
> OnSetText-event somewhere else? I tried in the BeforePrepare-event,(read
> some old newsgroupsarticles concerning this matter), but that threw an
> exception: Field 'SecretField' not found, followed by an access
> violation....

The error does makes sense in the BeforePrepare event. What happens
if you put that code in AfterPrepare. Also, what happens if you use
persistent fields, since you said that you are using TIBOQuery, you
should be able to use persistent fields.

> I circumvented so far by using a non-dataaware editbox, decrypt after
> opening query and encrypt again in the onpost-event... it works, but
> seems ugly programming....

Not really, there are some fields that I deal with in the same manner.

Best regards,
Daniel Rail
Senior System Engineer
ACCRA Group Inc. (
ACCRA Med Software Inc. (