Subject Re: [IBO] Lookup Combo in TIB_Grid
Author Terry
> >I have tried to follow the Getting Started example of lookups in a
> >TIB_Grid so it will use a LookupCombo for these fields. It just won't
> >work for me. I'm using my own database, not the sample one, but
> >otherwise I think I've followed the Guide precisely.
> >
> >The TIB_LookupCombo works as it should on my form, but after dropping
> >it onto my grid, the column never appears, let alone with a ComboBox
> >for selecting items.
> >
> >Any ideas?
> This is an editing mechanism. Is the main dataset live?

I didn't see anything in the Getting Started Guide about setting any
datasets "live". I'm just using it as the Guide explains.

> When the set is live, the combobox should replace the polling
> KeyLinks column,

Polling KeyLinks column??? What does THAT mean? I am BRAND NEW to
IBO. This is my very first try with it. I'm very familiar with IBX,
but I don't know what you're talking about.

> the KeyDescLinks column if you're using that.

Again, I'm using it just like the Getting Started Guide explains.
Shouldn't that work?

> If all this is the case, then look inside the DFM to check that the
> lookupcombo really is embedded by the grid...after you "cut" it from
> the original parent, you must make sure that the grid is selected
> when you "paste" it back into the grid.

I did that. It was pasted properly.

Here's what I have. I have two main tables, EMPLOYEES and EMP_CODES,
and seven lookup tables which are all linked to EMP_CODES.



EMP_CODES SQL includes the inline selects for the lookup fields

foreign key)
LOOKUPS.KeyDescLinks: "LOOKUP.NAME = LOOKUP_NAME" (as designated in
the inline selects in EMP_CODES SQL)

I place a TIB_LookupCombo on my form, beside the grid, and assign the
DataSource property to one of my LOOKUP tables' DataSource. I set the
DisplayField property to NAME. Compile and run, and the LookupCombo
works exactly as it should.

In the EMP_CODES query, I have switched all the foreign-key columns
(XXX_ID) Visible property to FALSE. The calculated fields, defined by
the in-line selects, are all Visible=TRUE and the Column Attributes
for each are set to COMPUTED, as the tutorial directs.

I cut (Ctrl-X) the LookupCombo from the form, select the TIB_Grid,
paste (Ctrl-V) the LookupCombo onto the grid, change the form to text
view and double-check that the LookupCombo is now contained by the
Grid, change back to Form View, compile and run. No Combo on the
LOOKUP column. The LookupCombo has simply vanished, and the grid
behaves exactly as it did before.

I have even scrapped the whole application and started from scratch to
ensure to the best of my ability that I haven't missed anything.

This is really frustrating. I was hoping to make a useful little
utility with this for my first run. I have now wasted two days on it.
